Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Getting Healthy

Not me.  My husband. The poor guy.  Ever since I got pregnant he's pretty much been on my diet, which has consisted of whatever is in the pastry display at the cafe around the corner.  And then there's Pinterest.  Is that another Pumpkin Spiced Carmel Crumb Cobbler Strudel with a Cream Cheese Cinnamon Maple Frosting recipe?  REPIN?  Don't mind if I do.  Did you say Nutella?  PINNED.  (They're also obsessed with Mason jars and Tortilla Soup...?)  So I'm trying to be supportive of my man and prepare some healthy snacks for him to grab as he runs out the door.  Go me!

First, I found this in Health magazine:

click the picture for a larger view

Sorry, this got crumpled in my back pocket when I went to pick everything up at the store.  Basically, it's snack ideas: apple slices + peanut butter, berries + cottage cheese, crackers + black bean dip, bell peppers + hummus, broccoli + cheese (?).  When I got home with all my goodies, I cut up the fruit and veggies and put the dips in mini tupperware so it would be easy to grab and go.  Having everything precut helps me too since I don't have a lot of time to prep healthy meals while I'm taking care of the baby.  Plus, I can alternate between healthy snacks and pie and not feel as guilty as I would if I'd just eaten pie all day.  Which almost happened yesterday.

I also put these together:

Baby greens, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, sunflower seeds and dressing.  You can buy these mini ziplock bags in the beading department of Michael's.  Because the dressing and seeds are in ziplocks, you can make a few for the week and store in the fridge.

I find it's much easier to eat pie while blogging about salad.  Man, my husband's going to be super healthy!


  1. I love the ziploc idea, im always afraid Ill never see my tupperware again, so i choose junk instead! Thanks! :)

    1. Thanks! Yes, many a tupperware has disappeared in my husband's work van, along with a ridiculous amount of my mini teaspoons.

  2. "Pumpkin Spiced Carmel Crumb Cobbler Strudel with a Cream Cheese Cinnamon Maple Frosting recipe"
    HAHAHAHAHAAHHA. I so know what you mean!!! I'm jumping back and forth between "Health&Fitness" and "Food&Drink" and wishing to lose some calories ^^ -Minna

    1. Right?? It's all so tempting. My 'Sweet Tooth' board has the most pins, I'm sure ;)

  3. Hi! Nice to meet you:) Now I know you have a blog too! I guess we must have been in the same places recently but haven't yet met. We have mutual friends incommon. Yes, in Chinese in Sacramento. Hope to meet you soon!

  4. Emily!! I LOVE your blog! It's witty + charming, not to mention great ideas! xo

    1. Thanks Stacy! You're too kind! I'm enjoying your blog too. If there's anyone that needs good fashion advice, it's me! And you know I love your anthro taste ;) Keep 'me coming!
